Due to the COVID-19 emergence in the United States, Little Bee is implementing preventative measures to minimize potential risk. We understand that some of these measures may seem too much, but the health and safety of our students is our first priority. Each of these policies are created with the sole purpose of risk mitigation of COVID-19. We hope that we can return to our normal programming safely in the future.

Drop-off and Pick-up

Parents are not allowed inside the school to minimize exposure to other children and teachers. Please be quick and respect social distancing rules (more than 6ft in distance between people who do not reside together)

Temperature Checks

Re request that parents/caregivers take their child’s temperature at home prior to departure for school. Each child's temperature will be taken 3 times a day (in the morning, before nap, before pick up)

Mask Policy

Teachers will be wearing masks the whole time at school.  Children over the age of 24 months are strongly encouraged to wear masks, but not mandatory.

Hand Washing

Children’s hands will be washed every 30-45min when during the school day


High-contact areas will be disinfected after each use (tables, toilet seats, chairs, door knobs, etc.)

Classrooms will be disinfected regularly throughout the day. Disinfectant mist will be sprayed throughout the school after the school day.

Social Distancing

Families, staff, and people living with them are encouraged to limit outings to crowded areas to minimize risk to our community.

Children are taught and encouraged consistently to refrain from the following actions:  high-fives, hugs, kisses, touching their own faces or faces of their friends, being in less than an arm's reach distance from friends. Much of early childhood education depends on stable and comforting relationships with their teachers. Physical touch when soothing a child or ensuring safety will still be used as necessary. If these reminders are forgotten, we will not put them at fault. We will remind them gently. 

Sick Policy

We are unable to tell if a sick child has the flu, cold, or Covid-19 virus. If your child is sick, please stay home until 72 hours after the last fever and after all symptoms are gone. It would also be in our community's best interest to get tested and inform us of the results. 

Covid-19 Exposure

Families MUST inform the school immediately upon COVID-19 contraction or exposure. Please email Sarra directly at littlebeedaycareandpreschool@gmail.com. The school will be deep-cleaned upon notification. 

If a student tests positive for Covid019, they are required to stay home from school for at least 14 days and seek medical help. The child may return to school 72 hours after the last fever, after symptoms subside, and present a doctor's note.

We understand that our measures may not meet everybody's expectations, but we are here to serve our community to the best of our abilities. Little Bee will be staying open in the case of exposure. Families will be notified via email.

*Last updated 7/24/2020